Wait... You Want Some FREE AirPod Skins? Here's How:
All good things come to an end. Due to huge demand, we've given way all the skins! :-(
But, rest assured, we're going to have another blockbuster Free AirPods Skins giveaway soon. To get early access to the giveaway, just enter your email address here. And, we'll let you know the instant the giveaway goes live.
Yeah, that right. You can get 100% FREE AirPod Skins (including free shipping!)
Just do the following:
1) Create a new social media (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) post saying you are looking forward to getting your free new AirPod Skins by APSkins.com and use the hashtags #airpods and #apskins
2) "Like" or "Share" or "Retweet" one of our posts on FaceBook, Twitter or Instagram.
3) Send an email to freeskins@apskins.com indicating the social network you posted to and your profile name so we can verify the post.
We'll reply with a discount code you can use on www.apskins.com to get ANY of our AirPod skins for 100% FREE including FREE SHIPPING. How cool is that?
Feel free to share with great deal with all your friend and post it anywhere you want. We love giving out free stuff!